“What, am I to argue that it is wrong to make men brutes, to rob them of their liberty, to work them without wages, to keep them ignorant of their relations to their fellow men?”
- Frederick Douglass

sf|noir is a fiscally sponsored project of Intersection for the Arts
We are a Member of the Intersection Incubator, a program of Intersection for the Arts providing fiscal sponsorship, incubation and consulting services to artists. Intersection for the Arts is San Francisco’s oldest alternative arts space, presenting groundbreaking works in the literary, performing, visual and interdisciplinary arts. Visit www.theintersection.org. Tax deductible donations can be made by [...]

Interested in Volunteering?
sf|noir would like to invite you to volunteer for events that we present throughout the year.
You may send an email with your interest to volunteer [at] sfnoir.org
As with many non-profits we rely partially on the efforts of many committed people to keep our mission moving forward.

Are you an Artist?
If you are a creative in the Bay Area, or elsewhere, we welcome you to contact us about your work as we continue to try and provide a platform for new and quality work.
You may send us an email about your work to artist [at] sfnoir.org
Or, mail media to:
925 Mission Street, Suite 109
San Francisco, CA 94103